SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ — Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today toured the Los Angeles Trade Technical College where he announced the creation of the Clean Energy Workforce Training Program (CEWTP), a $75 million investment establishing the nation’s largest state-sponsored green jobs training program. The program leverages federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) funds, public-private partnerships and state and local funding, to train more than 20,000 new or re-skilled clean energy workers to build a workforce capable of performing the jobs necessary to meet the state’s goals of renewable energy development, climate change reduction, clean transportation and green building construction for a new green economy.

“The Clean Energy Workforce Training Program is the perfect example of how California is utilizing federal economic stimulus dollars and public-private partnerships to invest in our state’s workforce and jumpstart our economy,” said Governor Schwarzenegger. “By developing a highly trained workforce, ready and capable to perform clean energy jobs, we will be able to expand our clean energy industries and drive a strong green economy in the state. This program is critical because it will target unemployed, underemployed and new members of the workforce at a time when we must do everything possible to help Californians return to work. With the nation’s largest state-sponsored green jobs training program, California is paving the way for a new economic foundation for the 21st century, showing once again that what benefits the environment also benefits the economy.”

The California Recovery Taskforce, in collaboration with the Green Collar Jobs Council and the California Energy Commission (CEC), the California Employment Development Department (EDD), the Employment Training Panel and the California Workforce Investment Board are leading this statewide partnership of state agencies, educational institutions, local workforce investment boards, community organizations and employers to deliver 21st century training programs for workers with all levels of experience.

The CEWTP targets populations of unemployed workers, particularly from the construction sector, existing workers requiring re-skilling to prepare for clean energy industry, low-wage workers and youth preparing to enter the workforce. It will support regional workforce training programs at community colleges or workforce investment boards and partnership academies in high schools that deliver training on professional and personal skills development for energy efficiency, water efficiency, renewable energy and clean transportation. This will prepare individuals for jobs as solar installers, sustainable landscapers and water systems designers and green building designers, among other professions.

California is leveraging $20 million in Recovery Act funds along with $15 million from the CEC’s Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program, $12 million from the Public Interest Energy Research Program, $5 million in EDD Workforce Investment Act funds and over $23 million in public-private partnership matching funds to invest in the $75 million comprehensive program that will train clean energy workers and educate thousands of students about the opportunities in the clean energy sector.

The Los Angeles Trade Techical College has a curriculum of green-related courses and programs that range from alternative fuels and emissions reduction to a Supply Water Technology Associate in Science degree. Currently, the college has 52 green-integrated courses and 4 green-related degree and certificate programs in career-technical, science, health, and liberal arts programs. The school is eligible to apply for the CWETP funds and is uniquely positioned to do well in the application process because of its strong commitment to preparing students for clean jobs.

The first solicitation for proposals from this program was released August 6. Regional training partnerships can apply for $46 million in regional workforce development programs: $23 million in Recovery Act and state funding and $23 million in matching funds from public-private partnerships. Proposals are due September 16. Information about the solicitation process is available on the CEC’s Green Jobs website:

The Governor has shown leadership and demonstrated a commitment to developing the state’s green workforce. The Governor has:

•Launched the California Green Jobs Corps, an initiative to build up communities and the state’s green workforce by placing at-risk young adults aged 16-24 into jobs in California’s emerging green economy.
•Signed AB 118 by Former Speaker Fabian Nunez (D-Los Angeles) which established the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program which is helping to fund CEWTP.