LOS ANGELES, Calif. — According to Renaissance Publications, the arts are under attack in the nation’s public schools and students are being denied the arts foundation they need to succeed in life. In answer to monumental budget cuts and diminishing arts programs, Renaissance Publications has launched a series of home study courses that are proving to be a viable alternative.

Drawing, painting, and poetry may not sound like vital skills to teach children in today’s post industrial age, but growing evidence suggests art education actually increases academic achievement and is more crucial than ever.

According to Stanford University and the Carnegie Foundation, students involved in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement, and four times more likely to participate in math or science fairs.

They are three times more likely to win awards for school attendance, and they read for pleasure twice as much as their peers.

Art of Drawing home studyPhoto Caption: More than 36 million cut from school art programs last year alone. Credit: Ted Prescott.

For more hard numbers, when Rankin Elementary School in North Carolina introduced art into classrooms to assist in teaching math, science, history and language, the end of grade exam pass rate jumped from 89.4% to 97.5%.

Unfortunately, in today’s public schools, the arts are in serious decline due to ignorant or misinformed legislation. Take the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Although it names the arts as part of the “core curriculum,” the act falls short by not requiring schools to report time spent on art education; nor does it require students to meet any performance standards.

Many blame the NCLB for causing budget cuts (35.6 million at the Federal level last year alone) and for actually leaving students behind.

This is precisely why concerned parents all over the country are turning to private art education. After school and weekend art classes are booming with one method of fine art instruction enjoying particular success.

Larry Gluck, the nation’s leading fine art educator and founder of Mission: Renaissance, began teaching in 1975 and now oversees 18 art studios with over 3,000 weekly attendees in Southern California.

“Yes, we can help anyone improve their ability to draw and paint, but underlying that, we provide the means for people of any age to unlock their hidden talents. And that impacts every aspect of their life,” says Mr. Gluck.

Gluck has sought to make his method available globally by offering The Art of Drawing home study courses on DVD (published by Renaissance Publications) and recently making his drawing course available online. For more information, visit http://www.TheGluckMethod.com.

As Mr. Gluck puts it: “We cannot ignore the arts in education. Our children are alive, vibrant individuals. We owe them every opportunity to express their individuality. Their ideas and creativity shape tomorrow.”

[tags]Renaissance Publications Inc, Art of Drawing home study course, fine art educator Larry Gluck, Mission Renaissance[/tags]