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City: Corona


Mortgage Coach integrates with LoanSense to help federal student loan holders become homeowners and increase purchase power

CORONA, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Mortgage Coach, the industry's leading platform enabling mortgage lenders to create digital and accurate home loan options for consumers, today announced its partnership with LoanSense, an online student loan advisor that helps federal student loan holders enroll in affordable repayment and forgiveness plans.
COO Kelli Hodges

Mortgage Coach’s COO Kelli Hodges named to the 2021 HousingWire Insiders award list

CORONA, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Mortgage Coach, the industry's leading platform that enables mortgage lenders to create digital and accurate home loan options for consumers, today announced that chief operations officer (COO) Kelli Hodges has been named a 2021 HW Insiders award honoree by HousingWire.

Mortgage Coach adds debt consolidation strategies in Total Cost Analysis to educate consumers on using home equity

CORONA, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Mortgage Coach, the only platform enabling mortgage lenders to create digital and accurate home loan options for consumers, today announced its addition of detailed debt consolidation strategies in the Total Cost Analysis (TCA) presentation, allowing loan originators to educate consumers on lower interest debt repayment options as peaking home equity values offer household cashflow relief.
The Young Americans College of the Performing Arts

Back in Session: The Young Americans College of the Performing Arts Reopens for Students

CORONA, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- August 10th cannot come fast enough for those students interested in music, performing arts and academics. This is when The Young Americans College of the Performing Arts (yacollege.edu) reopens, bringing back opportunity for students to further their education and make the most of their chances for advancement in the arts.

Sandy Spin Slade Inc. Announces New Classic Family Fitness Game 'Fitivities'

CORONA, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Sandy Spin Slade, Inc., the company that created Skillastics(R), the successful series of games for the educational market, is excited to announce the launch of the indoor/outdoor family fitness game FITIVITIES(TM).