Calif. Senator MendozaSACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ — Calif. Senator Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia) issued the following statement on Governor Jerry Brown’s inaugural address delivered to a joint session of the legislature today:

“I applaud and thank the governor for his excellent leadership in moving California forward over the last several years. The governor’s address conveyed an optimistic vision for our state, while maintaining a prudent approach to state spending. This approach has enabled the state to pay down billions of dollars in debt.

“However, fiscal restraint should not come at a cost of building a better future for our children and the working families of California.

“Jobs continue to be of utmost importance, as well as continuing to invest in the state’s critical infrastructure, healthcare and public safety. All of these issues are vital to the state’s long term economic prosperity.

“I am also committed to investing in our public schools and universities so that every child can receive an affordable, quality education, which is vital to compete in California’s 21st century economy. Just as important, I want to make sure that our children have a job waiting upon completing their education.

“I look forward to working with the governor and my colleagues in a bi-partisan effort to continue solving California’s challenges to put these goals into action for a successful year ahead.”

Senator Tony Mendoza, a Los Angeles native and former elementary school teacher in East Los Angeles, represents the 32nd Senate District encompassing portions of Los Angeles and Orange Counties.