SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ — Assistant Speaker pro Tempore Isadore Hall, III (D- Compton) today introduced AB 1802, which would clarify existing law by allowing, but not requiring, a parent/guardian-designated teacher, administrator or school employee to administer insulin to a diabetic student while on a school campus.

An estimated 15,000 children in California have diabetes, many of whom attend public schools.

Type 1 diabetic students rely upon daily glucose blood monitoring and insulin injections in order to properly manage their medical disability. Advancements in medical technology along with engaged family members, health care providers and trained volunteers have made daily insulin administration safe and allowed diabetic students to lead healthy and productive lives.

Since 2007, many school districts have implemented successful partnerships to empower parents/guardians, health care providers and volunteers to administer insulin to diabetic students while on a school campus. Unfortunately, due to confusion in state law, some school districts have not implemented this important partnership necessary to keep diabetic children safe and healthy while at school.

“Too many children in my district and throughout California suffer from diabetes,” said Assemblymember Hall. “This growing epidemic requires us all to take a more active role in helping these children lead healthy lives. This proposal takes a medically safe, financially responsible team approach to managing diabetes and I am proud to stand up for diabetic children throughout California by introducing this important bill.”

Sponsored by the American Diabetes Association and modeled after successful legislation in Washington State, AB 1802 will provide needed clarity in the law so that parents/guardians, health care providers, teachers, administrators and school employees can work as partners in helping children with diabetes remain healthy and successful in school.