BOONTON, N.J. — Telephone companies, ISPs, and cellular phone carriers can bring to bear an expansive array of technologies and services to aid consumers and enterprises in improving the environment while generating over $1 trillion in new industry revenue over the next five years, according to a new market research study from The INSIGHT Research Corporation. The study found that by using existing networks and services, phone companies, ISPs and cellular providers can create green communications portfolios that mitigate the deleterious impacts that greenhouse gas emissions, energy power consumption, and waste disposal have on the environment.

INSIGHT Research’s market analysis study, “Communicating Green: Telecommunications Value in Promoting Environmental Improvement, 2008-2013,” evaluated the use of existing telecommunications technologies and services applied to five key domains: transportation demand management to improve gasoline consumption; demand side management of electrical power; machine-to-machine communications to improve operational efficiencies; the recycling of electronic devices; and regulatory compliance and audits.

To impact the environment positively in each of the domains, specific improvements were quantified in nine solution areas: mobile workforce; field services and personnel; data center operations; telecommuting; facilities/building management; environmental audit and compliance systems; branch and remote office capabilities; environmentally located data centers; and ICT equipment recycling.

“Instead of investing in new technology, all the telecommunications industry has to do is organize their existing capabilities into solutions sets,” says Robert Rosenberg, INSIGHT Research. “For example, the phone companies and cellular providers have technologies that can be used to reduce auto emissions as well as energy demand to heat and cool offices and homes. Enterprises and households that reduce their carbon footprint will be able to monetize the results, while the carriers generate new revenue from existing capabilities,” Rosenberg concluded.

“Communicating Green: Telecommunications Value in Promoting Environmental Improvement, 2008-2013” examined over 50 technologies, services and applications to create an algorithmic model that combines over 60,000 relevant variables to assess telecommunications’ impact on environmental mitigation.

An excerpt of the Communicating Green market research report, table of contents, and ordering information are online at: .

This 210-page report is available immediately for $3,995 (hard copy). Electronic (PDF) reports can be ordered online. Visit our website, or call 973-541-9600 for details.