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Tag: Sandra Piller

Sandra Piller Sings About a 'Good Night Kiss' in latest Country Music Ballad

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Every one of us has been through the emotional roller coaster leading up to a first kiss and all of those sensations are presented in 'Good Night Kiss,' the latest country song from Shady Hill Records artist Sandra Piller, recorded at Rough Edges Studio in Nashville.

The Gardenia in Hollywood welcomes Country Artist Sandra Piller for Thanksgiving 2013 Event

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On the Saturday night before Thanksgiving 2013, country music artist Sandra Piller will perform a special show featuring songs written by her mother-in-law. What makes this sweet gesture interesting to music lovers is that the songs co-written by Ruth Roberts were hits for such stars as Doris Day, Debbie Reynolds, and The Lennon Sisters.