Prosperous Priestess Handbook ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. 1, 2013 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Discover the secret of creating a spirit rich, financially thriving divine feminine life and business with award-winning author Lisa Michael’s new bestseller, “Prosperous Priestess Handbook: A Guide to Unlock the Secret Riches of Your Inner Creation” (ISBN: 978-1490957234), available free on Kindle August 5, 6, and 7, 2013.

The “Prosperous Priestess Handbook: A Guide to Unlock the Secret Riches of Your Inner Creation” provides an antidote to desperation which accompanies the desire to attract life’s wishes without the guidance one needs to make it happen. Since its release July 21, with almost 1,500 copies distributed in the first 48 hours following its release, the book has reached No. 1 on the Amazon and Kindle best-seller lists in religion and spirituality, new age, and goddess genres, and continues to chart in the Top 10.

“Prosperous Priestess Handbook: A Guide to Unlock the Secret Riches of Your Inner Creation” by Lisa Michaels is available in electronic and print editions. Find out more about the author at .

“When you work with your inner feminine and nature’s elemental forces, it becomes possible to create a rich, abundant life,” says Michaels, a 2010 Hay House Mover and Shaker and Priestess Process(TM) facilitator. An internationally known trainer of creation coaches and feminine leaders, Michaels guides individuals to dynamically increase prosperity, intuition, and their natural creation abilities by accessing the forces of nature.

“Many of us are committed to develop and strengthen our ability to access greater prosperity and bring the riches of our inner creations into the outer world,” she says.

Find out more about Michaels’ work with the power of creation at

Creating a prosperous life is no longer a secret alchemical process, thanks to Michaels. Now, readers and seekers will find the “Prosperous Priestess Handbook: A Guide to Unlock the Secret Riches of Your Inner Creation” provides a step-by-step guide which lends the ability to:
* Align with one’s vocation and soul’s purpose;
* Recognize the experience of creativity;
* Offer specific guidance to co-create with the divine feminine;
* Receive prosperity personally, professionally, and spiritually;
* Attract windfalls and increase monthly cash flow;
* Improve communications and relationships;
* Clear emotional blocks and attract love relationships;
* Increase optimism and coping skills;
* Connect with the forces of nature.

Each chapter of “Prosperous Priestess Handbook: A Guide to Unlock the Secret Riches of Your Inner Creation” includes tips, short assignments or journaling exercises intended to raise one’s personal awareness and vibration, and re-connect the reader to her purpose and passion so that she can impact her life, enhance meaning, and influence outcomes consciously and consistently to create prosperity.

“As living our life purpose is an ongoing act of creation, expressing ourselves fully makes it possible to take personal prosperity to the next level,” Michaels says.

“Prosperous Priestess Handbook: A Guide to Unlock the Secret Riches of Your Inner Creation” is available free on Kindle August 5, 6, and 7. The book has already helped thousands of women discover the sacred alchemical art of creating a soul filled, spirit rich financially thriving divine feminine life and business. Author Lisa Michaels developed this powerful guide to prosperity after decades of work with workshop participants and facilitators, lending the insight only experience can offer. For more information, go to or order the book online (free for a limited time; or $2.99 Kindle and $8.82 print) now from Amazon.

“Prosperous Priestess Handbook: A Guide to Unlock the Secret Riches of Your Inner Creation” Goddess
By Lisa Michaels
Michaels Hill, Inc.
June 19, 2013
78 pages
November 2, 2011
$8.82/soft cover
104 pages
ISBN-10: 1490957235, ISBN-13: 978-1490957234.

Published on Thu, 01 Aug 2013 ::
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