Call Before TowLAKE FOREST, Calif., Oct. 4, 2011 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — CBT Solutions Inc. announces a new, free tow notification service – Call Before Tow™ – that notifies vehicle owners when their vehicle is about to be towed on private property. Vehicle owners are notified by a text message and phone call warning them to move their vehicles before a tow. The warning is designed to prevent the tow and allow vehicle owners enough time to promptly move their vehicle(s).

Vehicle owners place a preprinted identification decal displaying “CALL BEFORE TOW” inside the lower corner of the driver’s side windshield. The decal contains a phone number and a unique identifying subscriber code. In the event that the vehicle holder can not be located and is about to have his or her vehicle towed, the decal will alert all parties involved to call the toll-free phone number first, whereby a CBT Solutions office is reached. The vehicle owner is quickly notified via a phone call and text message that his or her vehicle is in danger of being towed. The service is available 24/7.

The tow notification service covers vehicles on private property such as an apartment complex, town house or other residential and commercial areas. In situations where a tow is absolutely necessary, such as not being able to reach a vehicle owner, the Call Before Tow™ service will attempt to tow the vehicle using its network of pre-approved affiliate tow companies. The person’s vehicle will be kept in a secure lot and held at a discounted price, minimizing costs and adding convenience to an already stressful situation.

“People are often times shocked and irate to find out that their vehicle was towed, but most property managers and authorized parties don’t want to tow a person’s car, they are forced to do so because they can’t locate the owner. Over 95 percent of cars are towed on private property because the owner cannot be found,” says Jason K. Bordbar, President of CBT Solutions Inc. “The Call Before Tow service has the ability to transform parking management in the United States and possibly throughout the world. We are very excited about the prospect of providing such a valuable service.”

The latest data published from the U.S. Bureau of Transit Statistics, and Experian, show that Americans have over 254 million registered vehicles and own over 2.28 vehicles per household respectively.

According to John Harris, Senior VP of Operations for CBT, “A car in the USA is towed approximately every 11 seconds on private property, with an average cost of $145 per tow. Most of these tows could be avoided if the vehicle owners were simply able to be contacted right away. While the service is primarily designed for vehicles on private property, many police officers and parking enforcement personnel that see our Call Before Tow decal on public property continually call us before towing a vehicle.”

The Call Before Tow™ service also provides warnings to vehicle owners if their lights were left on.

The service is available nationwide and free of charge to the public ($5 decal fee required).

Premium pricing plans are also available depending on the number of tow alerts. Subscribers can recharge their alerts and upgrade their plans to ensure that they are always protected. There is also a separate service for larger entities such as rental car agencies and transportation industries that oversee a sizable fleet of vehicles.

CBT Solutions is in the process of seeking patent protection from the U.S. Patent and Trademark office for the Call Before Tow™ service. The service will also be available for licensing, franchising and affiliate networks.

About CBT Solutions:
Headquartered in Lake Forest, California, CBT Solutions Inc. was founded by a team of IT professionals, business consultants and former tow truck company proprietors.

The idea for the “Call Before Tow” alert notification and prevention service came about while one partner was operating a tow company in Southern California. Vehicle owners would come to the release window to retrieve vehicles and the first thing they would say is “Why didn’t somebody call me first before towing my car?” The Call Before Tow™ service was born, giving vehicle owners the ability to be notified first before having their vehicle towed.

The service has been tested and proven operational in local markets and is currently being expanded nationwide. CBT Solutions also manufactures a sister product, Web Parking Software (, which is designed to stop parking problems in residential properties.

For more information about CBT Solutions Inc., and the Call Before Tow™ service, visit:

Call Before Tow is a service mark of CBT Solutions, Inc.

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