SANTA FE SPRINGS, Calif. — Philatron International and CEO, Founder, and Owner, Phillip M. Ramos, Jr. were honored with yet another award for its outstanding business. On November 19th, Orange County Business Journal (OCBJ) awarded Philatron International, Medium Size Family Owned Business of the year. During the 9th annual business award ceremony OCBJ recognized the company for its commitment to helping outside community organizations through charity, its longevity as a business, and its family involvement within the company.

Phil RamosChief Executive Officer Philip M. Ramos, Jr. proudly accepted the award as it represents everything he envisioned for the company when he first opened its doors 34 years ago – dependable, durable, long lasting products, and a team who works as a family to make it all happen.

Among family members of the company’s current staff are the Executive Vice President and father of the CEO, Philip M. Ramos, Sr.; the General Manager and eldest son of the CEO, Philip M. Ramos III; Web Master, Product Sourcing and youngest son of CEO, Nicolas M. Ramos; Accounting Manager and nephew of the CEO, Joseph A. Ramos, Jr.; Chief of Security, Program Manager and nephew of the CEO, Jason A. Ramos, and the Director of Marketing and niece of the CEO, Angelita Ramos.

By providing quality products and services, Philatron International has not only become one of the fasted growing business in Southern California, but also a charitable company who gives generously to their local community.

Acceptance Speech quoted from Phil Ramos, Jr.:

“We at Philatron are extremely honored to be recognized as one of your awardees, because we are a true blued manufacturer. And it is good that a manufacturer be recognized in our country where we have lost so much of our manufacturing infrastructure. I would like to share a little story with you.

With the Grace of God Philatron was founded by me in 1974 with less than $200. We grew to a certain point and then I got burned out, because it was not fun just making money just for me. At this period of my life I lost my motivation to build and would escape from Philatron to the tennis courts. And then a crisis would come and I would solve the crisis and then return to the tennis courts. This was my routine until I discover a revelation of a higher purpose than just to serve myself!

Philatron could be used as an instrument to serve other things!!
– To serve our employees and their families with steady and reliable income.
– To serve our customers with good value.
– To serve our community with needed contributions.
– And to serve our faith through stewardship.

After that REVELATION, I became re-energized and motivated, and since then Philatron has grown to be one of the largest – if not the largest – manufacturers of electrical wire and cable in So. CA.

The bottom line is: it is in giving that we receive!
God bless all of you. Thank you so much!!”

More information about Philatron International / Philatron Wire and Cable:

[tags]Philatron International, CEO Phillip M Ramos Jr, manufacturer of electrical wire and cable, Orange County Business Journal award[/tags]