BOONTON, N.J. — A new class of hardware product that bonds together multiple slower-speed copper circuits into a high-speed link promises to extend the worldwide market penetration of carrier Ethernet services as well as lower backhaul costs for wireless and DSL services, says a market analysis study from Insight Research.

On a worldwide basis, carriers’ revenue from the three applications of the new copper bonding technology will sharply increase over the next five years, ballooning from $89 million in 2008 to almost $1.2 billion in 2012.

Insight Research According to Insight’s report, “Telecommunications and Bonded Copper: A Pair Bonding Solution For Carrier Ethernet, Wireless Backhaul, and DSL Backhaul 2008-2012,” the new copper bonding products presently offered by a half-dozen companies represent an important means to extend the reach of Ethernet in the First Mile and also lower the cost of backhauling cellular and DSL traffic to backbone networks.

While fiber optic links remain the preferred means to deliver carrier Ethernet and backhaul cell towers and DSLAMs, when fiber cannot be economically justified, the new pair bonding technology fills a critical gap, the report contends.

“Only 12-14 percent of U.S. office buildings have fiber connections, and many un-served buildings may never cost justify installing fiber,” says Insight president Robert Rosenberg. “Also, the steady increase in 3G wireless services means cellular towers everywhere will have to backhaul increasing amounts of data, even when a fiber investment may not be justified. In both examples, the new bonded copper hardware products take up the slack,” Rosenberg concluded.

“Telecommunications and Bonded Copper: A Pair Bonding Solution for Carrier Ethernet, Wireless Backhaul, and DSL Backhaul 2008-2012” evaluates the worldwide market for bonded copper products in the U.S. and worldwide. The study segments the market into three principal applications: Ethernet data services, Cellular backhaul, and DSL backhaul. Service estimates as well as bonded copper ports sold are provided from 2007 until 2012.

A free report excerpt, table of contents, and ordering information is available online at: .

The full, 65-page report is available immediately for $3,995 (hard copy). Adobe Acrobat (PDF) report licenses are also offered. Visit our website or call (973) 541-9600 for details.