DALLAS, Texas (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — What started out as therapy, ended up as a compilation of motivational writings in “One Black Woman’s Opinion” (ISBN: 978-0578-0412-09), by Valerie Stallworth Stephens.

Written for all age groups, as well as men and women, “One Black Woman’s Opinion,” is designed to promote the power of positive thinking. Its mission is to motivate and to nurture the spirit.

“It all started while on my way to work one day,” explains Stephens. “I had some thoughts that I didn’t want to lose and when I got to work I jotted them down on a piece of a paper; I found this to be very therapeutic. I then shared my writings with some co-workers and before I knew it, people were providing me with topics and asking me to write something for them too.”

Stallworth’s co-workers provided her with topics ranging from forgiveness and dealing with pain to the power of the word. Before she knew it, she had a book.

One of Stallworth’s favorite pieces is titled, “It is not about waiting on the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.” This excerpt focuses on the unpredictability of life and the ability to embrace it no matter what.

“You only get out of life what you put into living it,” says Stallworth.

“One Black Woman’s Opinion” is available in paperback. It is 113 pages and costs $15. For more information, or to order a copy of the book, visit: www.valeriestallworthstephens.com .

About the Author:

Stallworth grew up in Alexandra, La. She has lived in Dallas for the last 24 years. She attended the University of Baton Rouge and has a B.A. in Mass Communication. She works in the healthcare industry and is currently working on her second book, also focused on motivational and spiritual writings, to be released in the fall/winter of 2010.

For more information contact:
Valerie Stallworth Stephens, 214-436-0705,
valeriestallworthstephens @ yahoo.com .

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