Press Conference Scheduled Saturday, September 8th at 12:30, L.A. Farmers Market

LOS ANGELES, Calif. — According to, California ferret owners are upset that the head of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the Honorable A.G. Kawamura has ignored a formal request and letter writing campaign to get the CDFA to reevaluate their position that ferrets pose a threat to the state’s agricultural industries.

In 1992 the CDFA commissioned a study by Kenneth Smallwood titled A Rating System for Potential Exotic Bird and Mammal Pests which listed the domestic ferret as highly likely to go feral, and once feral difficult to eradicate. The problem with the study is the variables plugged into their matrix were subjective.

Legalize FerretsThe study starts with the conclusion and works backward. And 25 years later, despite California having more pet ferrets than any other state – (according to the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, the nation’s leading pet industry lobby) not one ferret has ever damaged anything related to agriculture in the state of California.

On June 2nd this year a registered letter was sent to Mr Kawamura by founder Pat Wright asking: to request a formal re-evaluation of the ban on domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) in this state. As the lead agency regarding information and information dissemination on the domestic ferret, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has a responsibility to all Californians to either justify the ban with specific scientific information or publicly declare that CDFA does not oppose ferret legalization.

No response was received. then conducted a letter writing campaign. We know of hundreds of letters went to Mr. Kawamura and no one received a response.

It is indeed troubling that a public servant can ignore the legitimate questions from citizens. We are also troubled that Mr. Kawamura contributed $21,500 to Governor Schwarzenegger’s campaign before being appointed to this influential position. We have to ask – is this a government of the people – or for the special interest?

To help make our point a ferret lover in ferret costume be on hand as will people dressed as agricultural products from California. MTV Personality and Professional Wrestler “Leatherface” is also going to be on hand to lend his support to California’s ferret legalization efforts.

Press Conference

Saturday, September 8th at 12:30
Los Angeles Farmers Market
6333 West 3rd Street, Los Angeles, 90036

For more information please call Pat Wright at (619) 757-7426
[tags]California ferret owners, San Diego Ferrets Anonymous, California Department of Food and Agriculture[/tags]