EraNova Jobs Report author SamsonMOUNTAIN LAKES, N.J. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — As the U.S. Presidential election looms, lackluster job creation is one of the hottest issues being debated. But where, exactly, are those millions of new positions supposed to come from? “Right now, technology is creating jobs faster that they can be filled,” says Richard W. Samson, author of an employment report from EraNova Institute. “But in a short time many of those tech jobs will be automated out of existence.”

“The new jobs, in the millions needed, will not come from old thinking,” he says. “They will come from brand-new thinking about what humans basically are and uniquely do.”

This view is presented in a special report published by EraNova, “Highly-Human Jobs: The New Work That Technology Can’t Take Over.” Selling for $7.95, it may be downloaded free, for the month of October, by bloggers, journalists, and broadcasters who want to weigh in on the idea:

“Based on economic trends since 1900,” says Samson, “knowledge work involving technology is set to dwindle just as agricultural and then manufacturing work dwindled. The new work will involve skills and sensibilities that electronic systems just can’t match any time soon if ever. Right now this awareness needs to be the focus of educators, young people, middle-aged career changers, employers, and policy makers.”

Very few people are looking at employment this way, he asserts. “We need to get the word out and start a conversation.”

The Highly-Human Jobs website — — is a service of EraNova Institute — — and was created to support discussions related to the report.

Dick Samson
of EraNova Institute

NEWS SOURCE: EraNova Institute

The news release High-Human, Not High-Tech, Is the Ticket for Future Jobs, Starting Now, According to Contrarian Employment Report appeared first on Send2Press NewsWire for Journalists.