BERGEN, Hordaland, Norway, Oct. 31, 2011 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Harlequins Enigma is back again, This time with their third volume in the octagon series: “Battle Without Dishonour.” Battle Without Dishonour is an instrumental hip hop album and contains some of Age Rissnes’ all-time favourite tracks in the dance genre.

The album has been mastered at Last Drop Mastering, Safeandsound mastering and Trackwriterz studios. Nathan Allen stands for the mastering of Battle Without Dishonour, rights, at point blanche, commute and restless resistance. Mark Penn from Trackwriterz studios/king penn mastered nucleus and quack tales about scarabs. Safeandsound mastering mastered city nights with additional tweaking from Age Riisnes.

Age Riisnes mastered hami, commune and wolf in his home studio. An additional final tweak on “at point blanche” were done in the last minute. Also by himself. Artists involved in octagon volume 3 are: Katie Leung, Sara Jensen, Elin Berge, Sharien, Sara Q and the Harlequins Enigma owner himself, Age Riisnes. A single has also been released in the title track “Battle Without Dishonour.”

Track index for “Battle Without Dishonour”:
Harlequins Enigma – City nights
Harlequins Enigma – Commute
Harlequins Enigma – Quack Tales Of Scarabs
Harlequins Enigma – Restless Resistance
Harlequins Enigma – Wolf
Harlequins Enigma f. Elin Berge – Battle Without Dishonour
Harlequins Enigma f. Katie Leung – Rights
Harlequins Enigma f. Sara Jensen – Commune
Harlequins Enigma f. Sara Jensen – Hami
Harlequins Enigma f. Sara Q – At point blanche
Harlequins Enigma f. Sharien – Nucleus

Harlequins Enigma refuses to leave the dance scene as of yet, but will together with the two octagon volume 2 dance albums stand ground & prepare remasters in the future for various personal favourites, as singles & maybe new compilations. The octagon vol. 2 albums are available in major mp3 stores.

In the beginning in may 2008, Harlequins Enigma had some involvement with Maniacs of noise, but the co-operation ended shortly after, Where Age Riisnes, Elin Berge, Sara Jensen and a little later on Katie Leung did co-ops and sessions with Klaus Schulze, Jean Michel Jarre, Tangerine Dream, Jan Garbarek, Dave Weckl, Kitaro, Vangelis, Tori Amos and several others. 430 16-bit tracks and 170 8-bit tracks were made in this period from may 2008 until february 2010. Night Lights was then released in August 2010. Earlier they released twenty-three free music videos. The videos “Sun Moon Stars” and “Million thrills” were taken down, due to a mix-up in Katie’s name and an issue with Oistein Eide. “Sun Moon Stars” have been re-released at a later time, and Million Thrills have also been re-released on the “Alt” album recently.

New years eve 2010 Dark light is released, and marked a bad decade with hopes for the future. Stargazer 1 – Moon phase was released in 2011 as video #24, this one a commercial one featuring Klaus Schulze and Jan Reidar Riisnes. 8 singles and 10 albums have been released since new year. The albums are: Ruby and jade photograph, Lyra, Stargazer, Heartbeat, Octagon volume 1. The following 3 were best of albums in a series called “The Journey of Harlequins Enigma.” Octagon volume 2 triple dance album and EP followed with radical “Alt” in between. with the release of albums like “Alt” and Octagon volume 3 – they seek third parties who like alternate music.

Harlqeuins Enigma announces a break in the octagon series after their octagon volume 3 release. Their reason is simply financial, but they will be back with the continuance of the 5 last octagon volumes, plus also 3 volumes called TD Sound 1,2 and3, Involving Tangerine Dream and ex Tangerine Dream members. There will also be a release of Catmint, a mixed genre double album, all spoken of as great compilations. Mastered versions of earlier albums are also planned.

Harleqins Enigma stands today as passive resistance in the #egypt situation. They’ve had similar problems of their own with the internet and the band’s rights. Harlequins Enigma’s home lies in Bergen, Norway. Their situation has been mentioned as a #mini-egypt situation. Harlequins Enigma’s web site holds more information on the troubles that have followed the band since the beginning.

About Harlequins Enigma:
* Founded in 2008 by owner Age Riisnes.
* Produces professional music in multiple genres.
* 85,000 views on free music video line from 2010 on .
* Have Jean Michel Jarre, Vangelis, Tori Amos, Kitaro, Klaus Schulze,
Edgar Froese as guest artists on earlier releases.
* Their sales are at a minimum.

Harlequins Enigma contact info:
email: harlequins.Enigma@
phone: 4756336927
address: blombakkane 25, 5353 straume, hordaland, norway.

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