LOS ANGELES, Calif. — Four leading animators from the Zhebe Studio in Kazakhstan will be in Los Angeles July 14 – 21 as part of an effort to revive the production of cartoons in their country. While in Los Angeles these distinguished International Visitors will meet with their professional counterparts to gain first-hand knowledge of U.S. animation studios.. When they return home they will share the insights they have gained with the people in their country. Their Los Angeles program is arranged by the International Visitors Council of Los Angeles (IVCLA) as part of a U.S. Department of State sponsored International Visitor Leadership Program.

IVCLA has arranged for the group to meet with the Animation Guild of America, Dreamworks, Brain Zoo Studios, Darrel Bowen Media, ASIFA-Hollywood and Cybergraphix Animation to discuss the content of animation, what makes them attractive to the public, and current technologies for visual arts productions. Their meetings in Los Angeles will give them a better understanding of the key issues in animation and their impact on U.S. American society. They will gain personal knowledge to understand the diversity and complexity of this country as thoroughly as possible.

IVCLA is a private, non-partisan, non-profit organization, which arranges professional programs, cultural visits and home hospitality for emerging international leaders. The emphasis of the programs implemented by IVCLA is to increase mutual understanding through communication at the personal and professional levels and thereby contribute to improving relations between the United States and other countries.

Participants in the program are established or potential foreign leaders in government, politics, media, business, education, science, arts and other key fields. IVCLA arranges for the emerging international leaders to meet and confer with their professional counterparts and to experience the U.S. first hand.

[tags]International Visitors Council of Los Angeles, IVCLA events, Animation Guild of America[/tags]