ST. LOUIS, Mo. — In 2007, the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) declared 63 major U.S. disasters. Almost every state in the country was affected, including Hawaii. In response to such emergency situations, Disaster Recovery America has formulated a Web-based emergency plan to help families and communities quickly get back on their feet.

According to Disaster Recovery America, today’s environment warrants disaster recovery plans, yet most American families still possess a false sense of security.

Disaster Recovery While final damage statistics for 2007 will reveal that over 12,000,000 acres of land were destroyed or damaged by wildfires, flooding and coastal storms, American families continue to ignore disaster-preparedness plans.

Disaster Recovery America’s mission is to raise safety awareness and to provide families with a unique, emergency communication and disaster-recovery toolset. Their approach is to simplify, automate, and streamline the process. Mandatory resources are assembled and organized in one location – a secure, cyber-vault.

“Our country is experiencing a growing number of natural and man-made disasters; these should serve as a wake-up call for families and communities to take meaningful action and to develop a plan to maximize safety before, during, and after a disaster,” John Lazare, Executive Director for Disaster Recovery America, said. “When disaster strikes, good decisions don’t just happen; family safety planning is not a complex issue, but it does require a proven and tested structure to be effective.”

According to Lazare, automated communication is the most critical component of disaster preparedness and recovery.

“While emergency voice alerts are effective, email campaigns to recruit safety team volunteers and to keep everyone informed are also important,” Lazare said. “Timely and organized communication is the key to managing a safe, and effective emergency-response effort.”

Disaster Recovery America started designing the program in January 2005; it was designed around a proven and tested emergency planning and deployment model. In 2007, more than 200 families participated in field testing the final product; it was found to be safe and effective.

Disaster Recovery America is also pursuing electronic links and partnerships with national insurance, financial, and prescription drug companies to control membership cost and to enhance product benefits.

A finished product that is comprehensive, efficient, and cost effective is available for $5 a month.

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