gold parties in AlaskaFAIRBANKS, Alaska, June 9, 2011 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — During these tough economic times, one of the most difficult things to do is raise funds for a charity or community event. Most people are worried about their home value, their job, and generally are not in the best mood – much less thinking about doing something for the community right now, says Jimi Cash, the owner of the Heart to Heart Gold Exchange of Alaska. But what if someone could raise spirits and raise money for a good cause at the same time?

Jimi Cash has created the ideal solution for this situation. He helps people host private gold parties and gold fundraisers – parties that invite your friends and family over, and they can bring their old jewelry, gold, and platinum. Whether the jewelry is broken or worn, or even one earring of what used to be a pair, The Gold Exchange will buy it from them, cash on the spot. And because individuals are either privately hosting the party or as a fundraiser, the host or the cause can earn up to 20 percent of all purchased items.

Gold parties and gold recycling have become very popular in the press and the media in the past months, and is not a new concept – so what makes these parties so different? Jimi Cash, the operator of the Alaska Gold Exchange, provides a local community service to the people in both Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska, and offers to pay top dollar for gold, guaranteed. This coupled with The Gold Exchange’s willingness to partner to help local charities and fundraising events, makes this the ideal way to give back with gold and other precious metals.

“The fundraiser for my daughter’s dance studio was fabulous! The Gold Exchange paid us $14,234. What an amazing opportunity for all of the people who participated – not only did my friends get paid for their scrap and old jewelry, but they helped us raise an astonishing amount of money, with the help of The Gold Exchange,” said Nicole Rolden. “Thank you so much!”

“The part that I love is, although the majority of the people who come to a party are simply cleaning out their jewelry boxes, I have met at least one person at every event that needs the money. It is such an amazing concept that you can support a fund raiser and go home with more money in your pocket than when you arrived,” said owner, Jimi Cash. “It truly is the gift of giving.”

To learn more about the Alaska Gold Exchange, or to schedule a gold fund raising party for your local non-profit or school team, contact Jimi Cash at 907-799-2692, or by email at .

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