FLANDERS, N.J. — AERC.com, Inc., the nation’s leading full-service secure data management and recycling company, announces the expansion of its secure data destruction and disposal operations as a result of assets acquired Monday, January 7, from DynTek, a leading technology services provider.

The acquisition, which includes proprietary secure asset management software and related intellectual property, is part of an aggressive investment strategy that will allow Com-Cycle, AERC’s wholly owned subsidiary and its electronics recycling business unit, to focus on rising data security and recycling concerns in industries such as health care. Improper management of medical records and hazardous materials holds serious legal and ethical implications, resulting in severe fines and penalties.

AERC Com-Cycle “This new acquisition greatly enhances both the technical capabilities and service offering of Com-Cycle,” said Peter J. Jegou, Chief Executive Officer of AERC and Com-Cycle. “The investment not only strengthens our ability to meet these escalating security threats in health care and other sectors, but it provides a secure audit trail for compliance with HIPAA and similar regulations.”

Lindsay Landmesser, Vice President of Sales, added, “In industries such as health care, confidentiality and privacy are at stake. Protecting the confidential records of these companies – and their patients and customers – is of utmost importance. The new software program and end-of-market asset management software offer new options for research centers, medical centers, hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, patient service centers, and health care clinics with concerns about data security and waste hazard risks.”

Com-Cycle offers compliance with federal, state, and local regulations through an array of services built on a take-everything policy. “The Zero-Waste-to-Landfill Policy, when combined with our regulatory compliance, expert consulting, and investment in technology, is an important market differentiator,” noted Ms. Landmesser.

About AERC / Com-Cycle
Com-Cycle, a wholly owned subsidiary of AERC Recycling Solutions, has become an industry leader through partnerships with clients by providing unmatched convenience, compliance, and consulting to handle unit waste issues. The company was founded in 2001 by AERC to service customers with computer and electronics recycling needs.

Com-Cycle provides a spectrum of services including secure data management and destruction, total asset management, and end-of-life electronics management, along with a “Zero-Waste-to-Landfill” policy.

With its fleet of GPS-tracked trucks, the company provides delivery confirmations and in-house management of logistics for its clients, creating an audit trail for compliance with data security and environmental laws, including HIPAA regulations. Com-Cycle offers “chain of custody” assets for clients with coverage throughout all major markets in the United States, with plans to open 3 new strategically located facilities within the next 12 months.

Please visit http://www.com-cycle.com to learn more.

[tags]AERC Recycling Solutions, Com-Cycle HIPAA Data Compliance[/tags]