BETHESDA, Md., Aug. 8, 2011 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — ADF Solutions, Inc., the global leader in site exploitation and digital forensic triage, today announced a partnership with High Tech Crime Institute (HTCI), the global leader in the field of computer crime investigation and computer forensics, that will provide law enforcement investigators high quality training and education on the industry’s leading forensic triage tools. ADF and HTCI have teamed to create a training course that provides investigators and case agents the core skills and knowledge to conduct automated and case specific scans of computers and digital media using ADF Triage-Examiner(R) for the express purpose of collecting digital evidence.

Using ADF Triage-Examiner(R), field investigators leverage a simple USB deployment to quickly and easily scan suspect computers and immediately view the scan results, improving the efficiency of collecting digital evidence and to ultimately help accelerate the resolution of cases. For example, immediate access to conclusive evidence collected in the field can be immediately leveraged for onsite interviews of suspects; provide valuable information about other potential onsite physical evidence; and save time by quickly identifying devices that don’t contain viable digital evidence. Also, by using a proven, forensically sound process, the investigator can quickly provide prosecutors the written reports needed to move cases through the legal system faster.

“We are excited to join with an organization that shares our level of commitment to provide innovative tools and forward thinking solutions into the hands of law enforcement and government agencies,” said Harry Parsonage, Forensic Triage Expert at ADF Solutions. “It is through cooperative efforts such as this, investigators will have easy access to the highest quality training for vital tools they use to track down and convict criminals.”

As an added bonus for agencies and departments, HTCI has created a special offer which includes a complete software license for ADF Triage-Examiner(R), ADF Triage Kit, and a two day Digital First Responder Training(R) course, all for a discounted price of $1959. The first class is scheduled for October 4-5, 2011, and will be held at the HTCI facility in Largo, FL. For registration information please contact Florence Uvanni at or 1-813-343-0766 x207.

About ADF Solutions:

ADF Solutions, Inc. is the global leader in site exploitation and forensic triage tools for rapid intelligence and evidence recovery from computers and peripheral devices. The tools have a proven track record of providing actionable intelligence rapidly, reducing forensic backlogs, securing fast convictions, and identifying suspects who are a threat to national security. The tools are designed to be used by both technical and non-technical users and are widely deployed for both field and lab investigations. ADF Solutions’ clients include major defense, customs border, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies worldwide. For more information, visit .

About HTCI:

The High Tech Crime Institute provides specialized training and services in the areas of high tech crime investigation and computer forensics. Courses are offered to local, state, and federal law enforcement officers, corrections officers, prosecutors, and corporate security specialists. With our Hands-On Approach to training and State of the Art Mobile Labs, we have established ourselves as one of the fastest growing training companies of this type in the country. For more information about High Tech Crime Institute please visit: .

News Source: ADF Solutions Inc.

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