LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ — Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown today approved Assembly Bill 530, Assemblyman Anthony Rendon’s (D-Lakewood) proposal to create a comprehensive restoration plan for the Lower Los Angeles River.

Anthony Rendon“I’ve been kayaking on restored portions of the Upper L.A. River and seen the development of trails, walkways and parks,” said Rendon. “Residents along the Lower River deserve the same opportunities to reconnect with the river that flows through their neighborhoods.”

AB 530 establishes a local working group tasked with updating the L.A. River Master Plan to develop a revitalization plan for the Lower River. Substantial work has already been done to restore the Upper L.A. River within the boundaries of the City of Los Angeles.

“The Lower River runs through communities desperately in need of open space and recreational opportunities,” Rendon said. “AB 530 kickstarts the process for improving the quality of life of millions of residents along the Lower River.”

The Rivers and Mountains Conservancy will staff the working group, which will be eligible for state funding from Proposition 1, the 2014 water bond authored by Rendon.

“Our rivers, creeks, and lands do not recognize political jurisdictional boundaries,” wrote a coalition of 20 park advocacy, environmental justice, and water quality organizations supporting AB 530. “A collaborative master plan leverages much needed funding for the revitalization of the Lower L.A. River, which travels through many disadvantaged communities in the Southeast.”

Assemblyman Anthony Rendon is serving in his second term representing the 63rd Assembly District, which includes the cities and communities of Bell, Cudahy, Hawaiian Gardens, Lakewood, North Long Beach, Lynwood, Maywood, Paramount, and South Gate.