Medical Secrets ForumNASHVILLE, Tenn., May 2, 2011 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — As a way of helping out “the little guy,” attorney K. Gabriel Heiser, author of the best-selling book “How to Protect Your Family’s Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets” (ISBN: 9780979080166; Phylius Press, 2011), has started up a free online forum to answer nursing home payment / Medicaid-related questions, at

The federal and state laws governing the Medicaid program have been described by one court as the regulatory equivalent of the “Serbonian bog.” The U.S. Supreme Court itself called the Medicaid statutes “an aggravated assault on the English language, resistant to attempts to understand it.” The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals described the Medicaid Act as one of the “most completely impenetrable texts within human experience” and “dense reading of the most tortuous kind.”

When the brilliant minds of our judicial system are admittedly tied up in knots trying to understand the Medicaid rules, what hope is there for the rest of us?

“I know what people are up against, how confusing it all is, and I wanted to find a way to get people the answers to their Medicaid questions as quickly and efficiently as possible,” said Heiser. “In this Internet age, it just makes sense to have an online forum–also called a bulletin board – where people can post questions and experts can answer them, all for free.”

The new forum, located at, enables visitors to the site to search through and read prior questions and answers about the rules and planning techniques of paying for nursing homes and qualifying for Medicaid. A free registration entitles the visitor to post questions and comment on others’ questions.

“I’ve already published a book explaining all the Medicaid rules and the latest planning techniques to save money when faced with a family member entering a nursing home. But I started to get emails and phone calls with specific questions from readers. So I’ve started an online forum where these questions can be put in one place, available for everyone to read,” said Heiser.

To spread the work Heiser has assembled a team of Medicaid specialist attorneys and other advisors who will help with answering questions. His team includes 10 elder law attorneys who also serve as the editors of state editions of his “Medicaid Secrets” book.

For more information, visit: .

About K. Gabriel Heiser:
K. Gabriel Heiser, founder of Medicaid Secrets Forum and author of “How to Protect Your Family’s Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets” (Phylius Press), was an elder law and estate planning attorney for 25 years before publishing the first edition of his book in 2007. The book is currently in its 5th edition and is available at .

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